PEC anounced the national level FYDPs financial award ceremony at NFC IET Multan on 24 Nov 2022. It is a proud moment to announce that 11 FYDPs of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro were selected and awarded Pkr 765,660.
Dr Imtiaz Ali Soomro, Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgy and Materials attended the ceremony and received the award certificates on behalf of the MUET
List of FYDPs awarded is given as under: 1- Belt type oil skimmer for industrial wastewater. 2- Soil moisture estimation using remote sensing imagery by UAV. 3- Automatic medication system for patient care 4- Train comfort analysis using acceleration measurement and neural network. 5- RC based autonomous real electric vehicle 6- Numerical and experimental investigation of concrete beam reinforced with steel and FRP bars under flexural action. 7- Green Retrofitting of an existing building envelop using BIM-A case study. 8- Smart audio testing and hearing aid. 9- Design and development of stair lift. 10- Cum rubber and waste engine oil modified bitumen. 11- Automated image dataset collection system for cotton crop leaves.

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