Microsoft invited MUET faculty member Dr. Mohsin Ali Memon, Associate Professor in the Department of Software Engineering to attend AI for Earth Summit in Washington, USA. Dr. Mohsin Ali Memon, Associate Professor in the Department of Software Engineering was sponsored by Microsoft to attend AI for Earth Summit from 15th to 17th of October, 2019 at Microsoft Headquarters, Washington, USA. At this event, various projects that make use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in agriculture, marine life, biodiversity and climate change using satellite and imagery data were presented. The Microsoft personnel educated the attendees with informative lectures on Microsoft Azure custom vision API, cognitive services, Visual Object Tagging Tool, Microsoft Lobe and gave an insight on how to use them for the betterment of the Earth. Dr. Mohsin Ali also had a chance to see AI for Earth exhibits and the latest technologies at Microsoft Visitor Center.

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