VibScan: IoT-enabled Smart Anti-theft Device presented by the team of the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro.
In order to avoid theft of braces from high voltage transmission towers, the team comprises of Prof. Dr. Faisal Karim Shaikh, Dr. Badar Muneer, Dr. Abi Waqas, Dr. Umair Korai, Dr. Zafi Shah, Engr. Abrar Tunio, and Engr. Hafsa Talpur from the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro developed a device called as VibScan. It is an IoT-enabled device that categorizes the sabotage activities, such as wrench opening, saw cutting and hammering to remove the braces from the towers. The alerts are sent using the cellular network and SMS and are displayed using a cloud interface, and on the mobile phone app, allowing security units to quickly respond and prevent any further damage. The system was demonstrated to MD NTDC and he appreciated the efforts of the team from MUET.

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